Cats are great animals and they can be a fantastic member of the family. As a cat-owner, it is crucial that you educate yourself on proper cat-care and learn everything you can to ensure that your lovable feline friend enjoys a healthy and fulfilling life. The following article will help you learn the answers to the most important questions new cat owners have.
If you want to have the love of a cat, get one from a shelter. There are so many great cats at shelters. The fee you will have to pay typically includes vet care. Besides, adopting a cat from an animal shelter means you are saving this cat’s life.
Keep your cat properly groomed. Just like dogs, cats require regular brushing and de-tangling. This will help them maintain a clean and healthy coat. Doing this will also help alleviate hairballs and excessive shedding. In order to keep shed hair down to a minimum, plus have a beautiful cat, you must groom your cat regularly.
Though things may appear to be fine, you should always schedule regular medical checkups for your feline pet. Cats need to get shots so they don’t get sick and a vet can help you make sure your cat is okay. Always use the same veterinarian if possible. This person will be more knowledgeable on your cat’s history.
If you have an outside cat, you need to give it a collar and some identification tags. Tags can save you a lot of trouble if your cat gets lost. Ensure that you at least put the name of your cat and your personal phone number on this tag.
Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. If your cat still prefers to chew on cords, then you have to make sure they stay covered. If you have loose electrical cords, you can bundle them up and stow them away in a cardboard tube (think toilet paper or paper towel rolls). Electronics with thin cords must be put out of reach when they aren’t being used.
It can be hard to prevent your cat from jumping on the counter. A cat will naturally want to be high enough to view everything around them. Provide your cat with a few high places it can uses. Putting a cat tower in or near the kitchen can help keep the cats from laying on the counter.
It is a good idea to microchip your cat. Even indoor cats may get out of your home at some point. A collar with tags increases your chances of getting your cat back if it gets lost but it can also be a risk, for instance if it gets snagged in some branches. Microchips are extremely small, but they can hold all the same information as an identification tag. Most shelters have a scanner that can pick up the facts located inside the chip.
Discuss any issues you have with your pet with others. You may wish to deal with it alone, but you may need advice from other cat owners. You can find several cat forums online where you can ask questions, or you can choose to simply call your vet for advice too.
If your cat relieves itself somewhere other than its litter box, it shouldn’t be punished. If this happens, it may be because you have not kept the box as clean as you should. Punishing your cat will make it afraid of being close to you.
Mix up the food you feed your cat to avoid them becoming a picky eater. Cats who eat the same food day after day either grow tired of it, or it becomes the only food that they will eat.
If adding an additional cat to your home, give the cats a couple of weeks to get comfortable with each other. They may seem like they’re fighting all the time. If you give them enough time though, chances are good they will befriend each other and enjoy the extra company.
If your cat is urinating a lot or in areas away from the litter box, they may need to see the vet. This may be a symptom of an infection of the urinary tract or another health problem in your cat. Inexpensive antibiotics generally clear this right up.
When a dog wags it’s tail, it’s telling you that it is excited or happy. Cats wag their tail for a different reason. When a cat wags its tail, it can mean that it is conflicted or that it is trying to decide if it should run away from a situation or attack. When you hold your cat and he begins to wag his tail, put him down!
As was stated earlier, cats are a wonderful choice for a pet. Knowing how to properly care for your cat is essential to make sure he has a long and happy life with you. Read this article again if need be. It is very likely that your feline companion will be very thankful.
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