Cats are a popular pet for millions, and they deserve love and proper care. If you have a cat, you must learn as much as you can about caring for your cat to keep it happy and healthy. This article has lots of great information about cat care.
You should make sure your cat stays groomed properly. A cat’s fur must be brushed or combed on a regular basis. This can keep them clean. In addition, it helps decrease shedding, which results in less hairballs. Cat grooming will not only keep kitty looking great, but it will also help to reduce the effort spent picking up cat hair around the home.
You need to take your pet to the vet on a regular basis. Your cat should have regular well visits, as well as all the recommended vaccinations for his age. If you can, stick with one vet for your cat’s entire life. This will ensure they know the history of your cat well.
Putting a warm tile beneath the bed of an older cat will help it rest comfortably. Place a tile made of terra cotta or a similar material in an oven heated to 200 degrees for around 15 to 20 minutes. You should wrap it with a towel and place it under the bed your cat uses. When the tile cools down, change it out for a fresh, warm one.
Cat’s claws can really put a dent in your furniture. If your cat is ripping up and shredding your home, invest in a kitty tower or scratching post. Give them some encouragement and let them know it is okay to scratch that. Although this may take time, your cat should eventually claw the device rather than your furniture.
Keep your cat active and entertained to avoid boredom. Cats require plenty of exercise. The unfortunate thing is that many owners of cats don’t realize this. Boredom can beget illness. Give them room to play and a large number of toys. If your cat is an indoor cat, a cat tower or scratching post makes an ideal source of fun and exercise.
Cats will be up during the night more often than not. This means that they’re going to be running around more when it gets dark. If your busy kitties are keeping you up into the wee hours, try simply closing your bedroom door. You can keep them from bothering you at night and getting your feet while you’re under covers.
Cats can spend hours keeping themselves and their fur clean. Your cat’s long hair can cause hair balls. There are special foods that can ease this issue. Look for cat food that is designed to minimize hairballs to keep you and your cat happier.
When your cat accompanies you on a trip, remember to consider the health of their ears. You may enjoy it, but it could be hurting your cat’s ears. Turn down the music and let the cat rest.
Speak to other people if you’re having cat troubles. You can solve most problems by yourself, but you might benefit from the experience of others. You can find online cat forums to ask questions, or you can speak with your vet.
You should brush your cat on a regular basis. The act of brushing helps the coat become glossy, and it helps stimulate the skin. In addition, it helps to reduce loose hair. This can keep hairballs at bay because this can choke up a cat and also build up in its stomach.
If your cat does not use the litter box, do not use punishments to try to discipline him. It might be happening because you aren’t caring for the box good enough. Punishment can make your cat fearful in your presence.
You need to carefully consider where you put the litter box for your cat. You may really want to hide that box from everyday life. Make sure that your cat can get to its litter box very easily. Understand that cats are extremely picky. If its litter box is not in a convenient location, then your cat might not use it. If you keep the litter box on a cold cement floor, put a mat or rug down underneath it.
Never give your cat a medication that was formulated for humans. If health problems arise, take your cat to a vet. Giving cats human medications can cause serious problems and may even be fatal.
Avoid overfeeding your cat. Many health issues can arise from doing so. Overeating can cause your cat to become obese and susceptible to health problems. Take care to feed your cat the correct portion sizes. A balanced, nutritious diet is important.
Cat care starts with a good education. You’ve read this article in full as you want to be a more responsible pet owner. With a little TLC and effort, your cat can have an amazing life.
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