If you could save a cat’s life, would you? Millions of cats are out there and need a home. It only takes some knowledge and commitment to care for a cat. Read here about how to approach the process properly.
Don’t leave drape cords near your cats. These can cause your cat to choke if they get a hold of it. This could cause injury or death. Make sure that the cords are completely out of sight.
If your cat is female, you need to get it spayed at the proper age. Whether or not she typically goes outside, she may escape while in heat and you might have kittens! Spray your cat so that this does not occur.
Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. If your cat is especially intent on chewing cords, keep them covered as much as possible. Use paper towel or wrapping paper rolls to bundle up cords. Electronic items with tasty-looking, thin cords (video game controllers, phone chargers, and so on) should be stored securely when you’re not using them.
The claws of a cat can really destroy parts of your house and furniture. Buy a scratching post if you need to protect the furniture in your home. Encourage your cat to scratch where you want them to. It may take some time, but it should eventually work.
It’s very important to get your cat microchipped. Even an indoor cat could someday jump through an open window. Although collars and tags are beneficial, some cats may even wiggle out of them. A microchip is tiny, similar in size to a single rice grain and capable of holding plenty of information. Most shelters and veterinarians can scan your pet to read the information on the chip, and the chip cannot be lost since it is beneath the skin.
Remember to take care of your cat’s ears if you travel with him. You may love belting out your favorite tunes as you drive on the freeway, but your cat probably enjoys softer sounds. Turn down the music and let the cat rest.
You should create a tablecloth for the cats in your home. Certain cats prefer removing their food from their bowl and putting it on the side to eat it. This may make a big mess that you need to clean up. Think about putting a placemat underneath the bowl or make your own tablecloth out of fabric.
There needs to be set boundaries with your children and a new kitty. Let them know which rooms and areas your cats should not be in. They should know that indoor cats can’t go outside. It’s important to remind them as often as necessary, and when you plan ahead of time to teach your children, you will less likely to have issues.
Why is your cat meowing? After you have coexisted with a pet cat for a long while, you are sure to figure out its meowing patterns. A meow could signal anything from hunger to a desire for affection. Watch their cues to learn more about them.
Make sure you are cautious about leaving a young child alone with a small kitten. Up until your child is five, children shouldn’t be alone with your pet. They simply lack the maturity to comprehend the harm they can potentially do to kittens. As your children get older, you can decide when to teach them about handling a pet.
Cats love being up high. Designating a high-up area where your cat can hang out and watch everything from will help him to feel comfortable. If a cat tree is not in your future, providing a stable shelving unit with no small items on it will do very well. You can even lay down a blanket to give your kitty some comfort.
You should not get rid of your cat’s old scratching post. To your cat the post is just right. Tossing it and getting a new one may cause your cat to find something old to scratch like your furniture.
Give your cat a water fountain. Wild cats like to drink flowing water, and domestic cats are the same. Your cat, if its like most, will really respond to this running water. In fact, many cats like drinking from faucets more than from their water bowls. A fountain will allow a cat to drink naturally and is better for the environment.
If possible, always choose canned cat food. Yes, dry food is cheaper, but canned food really has a lot more benefits. Canned foods are also richer in fat, proteins and will help hydrate your cat. Aging cats can chew this easier. Ask your vet for more info, bun in general, canned food is much better for a number of reasons.
Caring for a cat is an accomplishment to be proud of. You’re making a conscious decision to love an animal and provide it with the care that it needs to survive. As a pet owner, you can bond with your new cat in a mutually beneficial relationship. If you care for your cat, it will return the favour.
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