When they take in a cat for the first time, many families run into challenges they never considered beforehand. You should not adopt a cat until you are better prepared. But because they are curious creatures, some mishaps will still occur even with planning. A great idea for you is to read the suggestions here and add a few more tidbits to your list of expectations.
Cats need a certain amount of grooming to stay healthy and presentable. You can regularly brush or comb your cat. This will keep them sterile and aesthetically pleasing. This will also reduce things like shedding and hairballs because it keeps them from having extra hair. A well-groomed feline looks great on their own, but also helps keep a home well-groomed too.
You need to take your pet to the vet on a regular basis. Cats need special shots to keep them from getting sick, and the veterinarian will check your cats overall health. Try to stick with one vet during the life of your pet. This ensures that your vet knows your cat’s medical history.
To safely help an old cat feel comfortable, place a heated tile under its bed. Place a tile made of terra cotta or a similar material in an oven heated to 200 degrees for around 15 to 20 minutes. Put the tile inside a towel and place it under the cat’s bedding. Change it frequently if you like.
Be sure your cat gets regular checkups at the vet. Cats need routine annual check-ups and possibly additional ones as well for vaccinations. Make vet appointments immediately if your cat has a medical condition or has become injured.
If your cat ventures outdoors, it’s key to get your cat a collar which has a contact tag. Cats can get lost, and they need a tag to be found. The tag should contain your name and number for contact purposes.
The litter box for your cat needs to be kept in a good place. It should not be placed in a high traffic area, and it should be far away from the cat’s food. Additionally, don’t make the mistake of putting it in a poorly-ventilated area, or the smell will become overpowering. Your cat will be more comfortable and you will too.
Your cat needs to be shown lots of love. Cats are by nature companion animals, but that companionship goes two ways. Like most folks, cats have the need to socialize to feel like part of the family. They need to feel as though they are an important part of the family, as well.
Make sure that you have a good tablecloth for your kitten. Some cats like removing food from their bowl and eating it beside their bowl. That means you will have to tidy up the food left beside the cat bowl. To simplify your clean up duties, place a ready made placemat under the dish or purchase some inexpensive fabric and use it like a tablecloth.
Be cautious when leaving a kitten with children. Up until your child is five, children shouldn’t be alone with your pet. They don’t know what harm they can do. When children get a little older, they develop the skills needed to be around small animals.
A battered appearance isn’t a good reason to discard a beloved cat condo or scratching post. The cats loves it the most in this condition. If you replace it with something new, your pet might seek out something a little more worn to scratch – like your furniture.
Purchase high quality food for your cat. Look at ingredient lists, making sure that a protein source, such as beef, chicken or fish, is at the top of the list. Stay way from cat foods made of corn or any other ingredients that aren’t based in protein. Your cat is a carnivore, and for proper nutrition, he should have a food high in animal protein in order to keep him at his best.
If you’re adding an additional cat to your home, give the cats a few weeks to get to know each other. They might hide from each other or hit each other. Eventually they will grow accustomed to it and start tolerating or even enjoying each other’s company.
If you have a female cat that is in the process of giving birth, make sure you provide her a spacious area. Giving birth to all the kittens can take hours, so you shouldn’t expect things to be over and done with quickly. If more than five or six hours have passed, and you think that kittens still remain inside, then you must get in touch with your vet.
The tips you just read over can help any cat owner, no matter what their cat’s breed is. There are several concepts involved when you raise a little cat, however, the way these are applied differs from one circumstance to the next. Above all, remember that owning a cat should be enjoyable and rewarding, so relax and have fun.
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